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Did J.Lo say that her mini-triathlon is more newsworthy than Phelps?

Lopez never mentioned on GMA that she’s technically not doing a full triathlon
Jennifer Lopez was on Good Morning America on Monday to promote the fact that she’s competing in a triathlon for charity on September 14 in Malibu. Lopez is training with Self Magazine editor Lucy Danzinger and all proceeds raised from J.Lo’s triathlon pledges will go to Children’s Hospital in Los Angeles. I looked up the triathlon taking place in Malibu on September 14, and it’s a “a half-mile ocean swim, an 18 mile out-and-back bike course, and a 4-mile out-and-back run course.” That’s certainly very difficult, and way more than I could do, but it’s technically not a full triathlon and is what is known as a “sprint triathlon,” but neither Lopez or Danzinger mentioned on GMA that she wasn’t doing a full triathlon. I’m splitting hairs here and she deserves a lot of credit, especially after just having twins six months ago, but if you believe the rumors Lopez is expecting just as much credit as a certain record-breaking Olympian.

Did Lopez say she didn’t understand why Phelps was the big story, not her?
The origins of this rumor are suspect, but Lopez supposedly said behind the scenes on Good Morning America that she didn’t understand why Michael Phelps’ Olympic victories were the big story instead of her fitness achievements. If this is true, maybe she’s just so wrapped up in training and caring for the twins that she doesn’t watch the news, go online, or read a paper. Lopez was on GMA on Monday, which is right after Phelps won his record-breaking eighth Olympic medal:

Jennifer Lopez has reportedly claimed that she is surprised by all the attention eight-time Olympic winner Michael Phelps is receiving.

According to a source at Good Morning America, the singer thought her efforts in training for triathlon were greater than Phelps’s swimming gold medal haul.

After filming a TV interview, she apparently said “she couldn’t understand why everyone is talking about that swimmer.”

The source added: “She couldn’t come up with [Michael] Phelps’ name, and then she yammered on about how she was the one training for a triathlon just six months after giving birth, and how that was the big story right now, not ‘the swimmer’.”

[From DigitalSpy]

I really hope someone made that story up. It’s possible she’s just so isolated in her Long Island mansion and focused on her children and sports training that she’s not keeping up with the news at all. She came across as pretty likable on Good Morning America, but you can see where she gets her reputation if she’s spouting self-centered crap like this.

Jennifer Lopez is shown on Good Morning America on 8/18/08. Credit: Anthony Dixon / WENN
